What We Do


Growing up living on a farm nothing hardly ever went to waste, our food scraps after harvesting were given to our animals. As second-generation farmers we soon understood composting is the answer to organic waste. Making Sustainability our priority we sourced more compostable materials, and decided to transition from conventional farming to regenerative agriculture. But the question was: what do people in the city who have a desire to be sustainable do with their food scraps?’ Environmental friendly people want the benefits of compost, and they usually opt to learn the process and use backyard turners. Unfortunately they soon find out educational programs on composting are just the beginning of the process, their backyard turners can’t handle food waste. The reason; Not enough carbon compostable material, they do however produce an abundance of nitrogen compostable material (food waste) and requires a lot more time commitment than what they can afford. There is no recipe or mold you can follow to compost food waste.

Composting is a science; it is a daily learning experience, compost piles have 1000's of living organisms that need attention daily. 

We have been composting for 8 years and every pile is different. Daily temperatures along with humidity affect the active piles. The ability to add what’s needed to the active pile being more carbon or more nitrogen or introduce oxygen can not be accomplished properly or economically in backyard composting scenarios. 


 What if we provide a service that helps others recycle food waste and for those struggling to compost their food waste we provide finished compost?

 We wanted to offer our community a way to recycle their food waste, and most importantly, receive finished compost in return. So we decided to do the work for them, and after numerous round table meetings our green bin food scrap collection came to life. Our Green Bin Program offers an attainable, simple and easy way to turn their food waste into ready-to-use compost without the hustle and mess - with results day one! It gives our clients a Piece of mind. We provide the green bin, you provide food waste, and in return you receive finished compost.

Green Bins Testimonial

We’ve been customers and fans of the Green Bins project almost since it got underway a few years ago.  It’s so satisfying to know that we are not throwing away food and are helping to create something useful for the planet!  We tried composting at home when we first moved to this high mountain desert region, and it simply didn’t work.  Not enough atmospheric moisture, and too many squirrels anxious to break into the compost bin for a snack! Green Bins’ pickup and drop-off has been completely reliable, including on Monday holidays.  Give them a try!  If you don’t have enough food scraps on your own, team up with a neighbor.  And share the compost!

Marshall Carter-Tripp


Our mission is to divert organic waste from landfills. Organic materials are composted in windrows for 4-6 months using a wheel loader we regulate air, water, and temperature. This meticulous process is how we produce our rich earthly compost.

We currently serve and collect food waste from farms, municipalities, businesses, federal entities, and residential customers from the area of El Paso, TX, through Las Cruces, NM, allowing us to provide our customers with the organic compost they need any day.